London landlords
Providing commercially viable short to medium term venue management and revenue strategies for London Landlords property assets.
Winning Formula
What First Option Venues can offer Landlords:
Capabilities & Services
First Option Venues Ltd are well placed to fill this void and provide a valuable interim means of additional revenue generation.
We provide a free of charge consultancy for all Landlord’s to establish the commercial revenue potential of their particular property asset(s) for the provision of short to medium term lets and venue hire/pop ups etc. FOV will then create and provide prospective Landlord’s with a commercial revenue viability assessment based on our initial survey. We then provide Landlord’s with a tangible revenue forecast projection, venue management and marketing modus operandi business plan. Once commissioned to exclusively market and manage a Landlord’s property for the purposes of generating them an income from venue hire we will create a venue website, detailed floor plan and include each new space on our website as either a short term pop up space or longer term venue managed basis. It doesn’t matter if your property is dilapidated or in need of refurbishment, waiting to be developed or in the planning process. Providing it has mains power and working toilets everything else we can provide from wi-fi to risk assessments and CAD floorplans etc. So if you are a property Landlord with any property assets that are accumulating costs without an existing parallel revenue stream in place to offset these costs get in touch with us as we would be delighted to provide a short to medium term solution.Winning Partnership
Opportunities that First Option Venues are seeking:
Property Assets & Partnerships
First Option Venues Ltd enjoy a wide range of valuable and mutually exclusive arrangements with many of Central London’s leading Landlords in terms of the provision of dry hire venue options.
We are always on the search/look out for new exciting venue assets with short to medium term hireable potential. We have a long and proven track record of generating and delivering avaluable source of revenue from hiring out suitable properties for the provision of events and pop ups. FOV work closely with property Landlords to provide our clients with a wide choice of excellent venue options and our Landlords with a valuable short to medium term revenue stream. We have an excellent track record of delivery and have been trusted by many Landlord’s to generate invaluable revenue for them whilst at the same time protecting the fabric of their property assets. We are always actively seeking new venues from any Landlord who would welcome a working partnership with First Option Venues Ltd. Given the realities of the current and fluctuating commercial property landscape we realise only too well that Landlord’s need to achieve maximum revenue leverage from each square meter of their property assets particularly whilst they are awaiting longer term lease covenants clients/prospects.Spaces to suit any Event